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What is the use effect of the small ozone disinfection machine in breeding?


The modern factory farming of poultry, especially the production of chickens, has entered a transitional period, that is, from the general development to the stage of improving production efficiency and product quality. The skills routinely used in the transition period have exposed significant weaknesses. As for the prevention of plague and disease, which is the key to chicken production, new breakthroughs must be found in skills to improve production efficiency and product quality.

In the usual breeding process, only antibiotics and vaccinations are continuously given to the chickens. These methods seem unquestionable, but they neglect to sterilize, disinfect, and purify the air in the farm all the time during the breeding process. And make dwarfism contaminated by bacteria and viruses. Excessive use of chemicals will impair the calcium absorption function of laying hens. The calcium absorption function of laying hens is temporarily impaired, even if calcium-containing feed is added, there is little effect, and soft-shell eggs are inevitably produced. It is difficult to avoid the losses caused by the plague disease if antibiotics and other drugs are not given to the chickens during the production process. The antibiotics and other drugs have also affected the product quality, which is really in a dilemma.

  Small ozone disinfection machineThe ozone is filled into the breeding shed, and it mainly decomposes and reacts with the odor emitted by poultry excrement to remove the odor. When the odor is removed to a certain degree and a slight smell of ozone is smelled, E. coli, staphylococcus and Viruses such as Newcastle plague, chicken cholera, and avian flu were completely eliminated.

In addition, the amine gas emitted by poultry excrement must not be ignored. The poisonous gas caused by sulphur oxide and other toxic gases generated by rural farmers directly using coal stoves to heat the poultry in winter cannot rely on chemical drugs. eliminate. But after using the ozone skill, the purification effect is effectively achieved, and entering the breeding shed using the ozone skill intuitively feels that the air is significantly fresher.

The small ozone disinfection machine uses ozone to disinfect and purify the air in the breeding farm while using ozone to brew ozone water for poultry drinking. It is also an important link. Poultry drinking ozone water can change the intestinal microecological environment of poultry. Ozone in the poultry intestines reduces the number of bacteria that feed on the host's nutrition and reduces the host's nutrient consumption. It also enhances the activity of the powdery enzyme that is effectively excreted.

It improves the utilization rate of food nutrients for poultry, especially young poultry, adds nutrients supply for young poultry, and promotes healthy growth of poultry. Allowing poultry to drink ozone water relatively changed the resistance of poultry, which can effectively prevent intestinal diseases such as pullorum in chickens. It needs to be pointed out that the half-life of ozone in water is about 20 minutes, and the effect of drinking while making it is better. But ozone will decompose chemical drugs. The medicine supply and the ozone water supply should be separated and more advanced.